Term IVF™

Why Term?

Obstetricians use the word “Term” (Latin for “on time”) to describe a nine-month pregnancy producing a fully developed newborn.” A child born before term may have associated health issues. Similarly, an egg must be nurtured for about 16 days during the follicular phase to be considered “term,” ensuring optimal quality. Therefore, you can think about a pre-term egg as a premature baby. 


Term is important

 The term duration of the follicular phase in the most fertile females – is 16 days. Even a 4-day difference reduces egg quality by half! This does not mean that all pre-term eggs are of inferior quality. Just like a pre-term baby, pre-term egg may be completely normal. But as the follicular phase becomes shorter, fewer eggs will be of good quality.

Limitation of conventional IVF

The success of modern conventional IVF is mainly due to fertility drugs that make a woman produce multiple eggs instead of one. Unfortunately, these drugs also accelerate follicle growth, making the follicular phase shorter. Despite shorter follicular phase, even as short as 9 days, most patients undergoing conventional IVF will have one or more developing embryos, but not all. 

Some patients are at particular disadvantage

This problem is particularly real for very young patients and patients with polycystic ovaries syndrome, because they tend to have a stronger response to fertility drugs.  Patients over 37 tend to have a shorter follicular phase, because their ovarian cortex has less collagen.      

Term IVF™

Term IVF™ uses a patent-pending ovarian stimulation protocol to extend the follicular phase to term. It provides a physician with very detailed information about the patient’s response to fertility drugs and enables maintaining circulating FSH within a narrow band for an optimal pace of follicular growth.  

The power of Term IVF™

Patients who have had multiple cycles of conventional IVF with poor or no embryo development, become pregnant and deliver after Term IVF™

Is term egg and mature egg the same thing?

Term egg and mature egg look the same, but they are two completely different things. “Mature” – only means that the egg has a so-called polar body. “Term Egg” means that it had sufficient time to reach its optimal quality.  The term egg is always mature. The mature egg is not always term.