Term IVF™

A little background

With the start of the menstrual cycle (or the start of ovarian stimulation) eggs within the follicles enter the last stretch of their nourishment before ovulation.  

Why Term?

“Term,” is Latin for “on time.” A 9-month pregnancy allows a child to be born fully developed, or “term.” A child born earlier is considered pre-term (premature) and may have associated health issues. Similarly, an egg must be nurtured for about 16 days during the follicular phase to be considered “term,” ensuring optimal quality. Therefore, you can think about a pre-term egg as a premature baby. 

Majority of IVF embryos failed to develop

In IVF, only about 3 out of 10 fertilized eggs develop into normal embryos. This is mainly due to the low egg quality. 


Is term egg and mature egg the same thing?

Term egg and mature egg look the same, but they are two completely different things. “Mature” – only means that the egg has a so-called polar body. “Term Egg” means that it had sufficient time to reach its optimal quality.  The term egg is always mature. The mature egg is not always term.  

How important is "term" for an egg?

It has been known for decades that a shorter ovarian cycle is associated with lower-quality eggs.  Just 4 days difference reduces an average egg quality by about a half!

Why can't conventional IVF be term?

Conventional stimulation is almost always shorter than required for an egg to reach term. This is particularly true for patients younger than 30, older than 37, and those with polycystic ovaries syndrome (PCOS). This happens because during conventional stimulation the physician does not have the tools for fine control of the growing follicle.   

Term IVF™ protocol

Term IVF™ uses a patent-pending ovarian stimulation protocol to extend the follicular phase to term. It provides a physician with very detailed information about the patient’s response to IVF drugs and enables maintaining circulating FSH within a narrow band for an optimal pace of follicular growth.  

The power of Term IVF™

Patients who have had multiple cycles of conventional IVF with poor or no embryo development, become pregnant and deliver after Term IVF™